Wordsmithie Toolbox


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Get ’em interested enough to read on

The first paragraph of your press release should include the whos, whats, whens, wheres, and hows of your announcement. Then take a deeper dive in the second paragraph.

Just the facts up-front!

Wordsmithie Toolbox



Use your “mental scissors”

When you finish your next piece, make one more pass. Look for any word over eight letters, and cut it in two. Every time we swap a long word for a short one, we make our message twice as easy for the reader.

Shorter and simpler for the win!

Wordsmithie Toolbox



Revisit your brand every once in awhile

Keep your brand up-to-date by staying in touch with what’s happening in your field — the latest technologies, techniques, trends, and styles.

Keep it fresh!

Wordsmithie Toolbox



You’re a storyteller. Sing it!

You don’t have to tell your whole life story to the world, but if you were to describe your public persona as a character, what would she or he be like?  Resonate with others.

Get a little personal!

Wordsmithie Toolbox



Headlines: One rule you should break.

When it comes to headlines, use numerals instead of spelling out numbers. This better grabs the reader’s attention, even though it makes your 7th-grade English teacher wince if the number is under 11.

Digits for the win!

Wordsmithie Toolbox



Bullets: Aim for consistency.

When crafting a bulleted list, make sure your items follow the same structure, such as starting each with a (different) verb or making each item a question.

The goal? Clean, consistent, and clear!

Wordsmithie Toolbox


Content Marketing

Be a thoughtful guest.

When pitching guest blogs to other websites, they probably won’t be interested in more of the same stuff that their own writers produce. Aim to give them unique-but-related expertise that’s also within their editorial standards.

Balance blending in and standing out!

Wordsmithie Toolbox


Content Marketing

Question me an answer.

When crafting content for your product or service, think about the questions your customers might be asking, and make sure your value props answer them. Search engines will also reward you with better results.

Keep it conversational!

Wordsmithie Toolbox


Content Marketing

The ears have it.

More searches, shopping, and content consumption are happening with voice commands over car and home smart speakers, smart phones, and earbuds. Make sure your content is voice-ready by doing things like writing your FAQ pages in conversational language or structuring your SEO content to answer the who, what, where, or how that people want to know.

Make your content heard!

Wordsmithie Toolbox

Gettings Things Done


Change the subject.

Ever started searching frantically through your email inbox to find that critical message as your client waits on the other end of the line? The longer an email thread becomes, the easier it is to lose important emails in the vortex. If the content changes as the conversation thread gets longer, go ahead and change the subject before you hit “Reply”.

If want to keep a key message on top of your mountain of emails, give it a new subject line!