How To Create AI Videos That Complement Your Content

A bionic hand and a human hand pointing and touching each other to symbolise the growing collaboration between AI and work.

Although most people are now familiar with the concept of using GenAI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney to create written content and images respectively, the rise of AI video generation hasn’t had quite the same impact in the mainstream. And there’s a good reason for that. Historically, AI-generated video just…wasn’t very good. In a previous…

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Is AI About To Change How We Write…Again?

A group of Lego heads in a line, each denoting a different facial expression as a nod to AI developing its emotional intelligence.

Not too long ago, in a post about using AI to generate a case study, we wrote the following statement: “Generative AI is not quite there yet. In short, AI tools fail to write like a human. Which is exactly what we’d expect, because…well, AI isn’t human.” To put it another way, we argued that…

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