Ruminate [roo-muh-neyt] verb –
To ponder or consider something deeply; not always caused by rum.
Micturate [mik-chuh-reyt] verb –
The polite way to say “urinate,” though micturating in public is anything but polite.
Akimbo [uh-kim-boh] adj, adv –
To stand with hands on hips, elbows bowed outward. Goes really well with the expression, “Oh, no you didn’t!”
Gesticulate [je-stik-yuh-leyt] verb –
To express oneself using excited, animated gestures; especially useful during sporting events and election years.
Juxtaposition [juhk-stuh-puh-zish-uh-n] noun –
The placing of two things side-by-side for comparison. The reason broccoli tastes worse next to ice cream.
Boarding [bohr-ding] noun & verb –
In ice hockey, a penalty for hitting an opponent into the protective boards surrounding the rink. In airport delays, the happiest moment of your life.
Gobsmacked [gob-smakt] adjective –
Utterly astounded or astonished. Often experienced when finding a parking space, or when not finding a parking space.
Loquacious [loh-kwey-shuh s] adjective –
Talking freely and sometimes excessively. Don’t even get us started on loquacious people, you’ll never hear the end of it.
Analysand [uh-nal-uh-sand] noun –
A person undergoing psychoanalysis. Usually blamed on the mother.
Thither [thith -er] adverb –
To go toward, the forgotten antonym to “hither.” Or, Sylvester the Cat saying “scissor.”
Luddite [luhd-ahyt] noun –
Someone who is opposed or resistant to new technology. We tried to Google it, but we never could figure out how to work that thing.
Mashugana [muh-shoo g-uh-nuh] noun –
Yiddish for nonsense, silliness, or craziness. Or the person behaving as such.
Bespoke [bih-spohk] adjective –
Made to order, custom-made. We’d use that word in our tagline, but nobody would know what it means — except maybe a tailor.
Tittup [tit-uh p] noun –
An exaggerated prancing, bouncing movement or manner of moving. A twerk is a tittup, but not necessarily the other way around.
Antagonist [an-tag-uh-nist] noun –
The person who is opposed to the hero of the story. You might call them a “villain,” but we like to keep an open mind.
Pontificate [pon-tif-i-keyt] verb –
To drone on and on about something in a stuck-up way. The Hipster’s Special.
Maven [mey-vuh n] noun –
An expert or connoisseur. Usually a buzzkill at a cocktail party or wedding reception.
Ruminate [roo-muh-neyt] verb –
To ponder or consider something deeply; not always caused by rum.
Micturate [mik-chuh-reyt] verb –
The polite way to say “urinate,” though micturating in public is anything but polite.