
Good Content Means More than SEO

16 July 2015

Content marketing comes in for a good dealing of bashing, often deservedly. The Content Marketing Institute defines the concept as a “strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” But in practice, as J. R.…

How to Start (and Finish!) a Content Audit

10 July 2015

Content audit. Those two words can strike fear into the hearts of marketers and copywriters everywhere. And yet in today’s content marketing-centric world, content audits are more important than ever. The more content you put out there as various bits of information dispersed across multiple mediums — from landing pages, blogposts and downloadable content to…

How to Find High-Quality Stock Photos | Free and Paid

01 July 2015

While working with a photographer—and setting up a proper photo shoot—is almost always preferable for a creative project, timing and budget constraints (or subject matter) often preclude their use. This is where stock photography, existing, searchable, commercial photography available online for license, comes in. The stock photo world is a competitive one; acquisitions and mergers…

Translating Your Brand Messaging

25 June 2015

It’s really endearing to hear the English-language foibles made by my Spanish husband, the charm of which sometimes keeps me from correcting him. “Meryl Eh-streep went to jail,” he said to our friends one evening at a dinner party. “What? She went to jail??” We native English speakers dropped our forks in disbelief . (He…

Hitting the Target with Your Email Marketing

18 June 2015

Once your email hits a subscriber’s inbox, you have to let your content do all the talking. If you’ve done your job, that should be a cinch, right? Think again. HTML clipping Email clients such as Google’s Gmail have started clipping HTML emails larger than 102 KB. Instead of seeing the entire text of your…

Top 5 Reasons To Work With a Writer

11 June 2015

Ever wonder how you decide when your project needs a professional touch? In this blog we’ll offer reasons to work with a writer. “It’s too hard to find someone and get them up to speed. It’s not going to be seen by too many people anyway. It’s not in the budget.” These are some common…

How to Bring Customers Into Your Brand Storytelling

04 June 2015

Customers are an integral part of your brand story. In fact, they’re the star attraction. Wordsmithie helps businesses tell their brand stories through their customers’ voices and experiences. These can take the form of short testimonials, longer case studies or feature articles. Customers who’ve benefited from your products or services are often happy to share…

Time Spent Writing Is Never Wasted

28 May 2015

Many of us at Wordsmithie also have avocations that keep us busy. As a copywriter and editorial director, I naturally write. Years ago, I left a newspaper job to go abroad and write the Great American Novel. Amazingly, it got published. Later, while working in various copywriting and communications positions, I branched into nonfiction, writing…

Your Presentation Mission: Grab Attention, and Keep It!

21 May 2015

You’ve got a big presentation coming up. Sure, you’ve got a handle on the content. You possess confidence and skills, too. So now what? Even though your topic is interesting and you feel good about presenting to others, consider a few elements that help you attract and retain your audience’s attention throughout your talk. There…

A Novel Approach to Business Writing

15 May 2015

Have you ever found yourself struggling to write something at work?  You might have all the empirical data you need to write a persuasive case study, or a great idea for a blog post.  But when you sit down to write, you just spin your wheels and get stuck. I knew this feeling well when…

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