Has it really been a year? 2019 has been an interesting year in the world of graphic design, and 2020 should prove to be a compelling one as well. There are five graphic design predictions that I’m quite confident about for the coming year. But first, let’s see how last year’s forecast played out. I…
As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Good quality pictures evoke emotion, and emotions often lead to action. And, most importantly, action means success for your campaign. Once you see how visual support can enhance your written copy, you may never go without it again. The right visual components, combined…
The Tech Shabbat isn’t a super-new concept, but it’s an absolutely terrific one to embrace—especially now that the year-end scramble to deliver and spend and do-do-do and go-go-go saps most of us of our energy, productivity, peace, and introspection. Sure, the wind-up to the end of your team’s seasonal work cycle and the impending holidays…
Successful relationships are all about creating personal connections. And the same goes for successful account-based marketing campaigns. Account-based marketing (ABM) is based on the absolutely true principle that marketing is much more effective when efforts are directed towards the quality of each individual outreach, rather than the raw quantity of those outreaches. Instead of casting…
When it comes to content, it is the best of times, it is the worst of times. There are so many options available to amplify your voice and views: blogs, social media, email newsletters, YouTube videos…the options are almost endless. On the flip side, that means that all information, both correct and incorrect, can be…
Alt text, also known as alternative text or, more commonly and incorrectly as “alt tags,” is part of HTML code used to describe the appearance and function of an image on a webpage. Alt text was created to make websites more accessible for visually impaired users. Screen readers can audibly read an alt attribute, so…
You’ve been there, sitting in front of your computer—late at night, maybe—with a hard deadline looming and the as-yet unfulfilled promise of three layout options hanging over your head. You need some inspiration, perhaps served with a side of distraction. Here are five fantastic web sites that I’ve turned to for ideas, and, diversion. The…
Whether you’re crafting new content so your audiences will bite (and hang on), creating eLearning training programs for your internal teams, or adding more energy to your client’s existing projects and online communities, you’ll want to boost your credibility with every word you choose. Keeping the conversation going is mission critical as you build team…
Much like baking, copywriting mixes a little art and a little science to yield the best content. And, like baking, using the right ingredients is fundamental to your success. Generating a compelling message starts with the words you choose: they should effectively persuade, connect, or inform. To successfully create content that reaches your target audience…
Whether you’re promoting your own brand or a client’s, keeping your team interested in the project Slack channel, or sparking more engagement in your org’s online training program, the common denominator for success is: COMMUNITY. Build with the best intentions Building community in a way that feels (and is) authentic could seem either easy or…