Company Announcements

The Best of the Wordsmithie Blog: 2015

08 October 2015

We’ve been around the block a few times, as our fearless leader and founder declared a few weeks ago in a post celebrating Wordsmithie’s fifth anniversary. With so much experience behind our distributed team, we know what we’re talking (or writing) about, which is why we want you to have as many chances to read…

Celebrating Wordsmithie’s First Five Years

08 September 2015

This summer, Wordsmithie celebrated its fifth anniversary, and what a wild joy ride it’s been. As we roll back to work after the well-deserved Labor Day holiday, I’ve been thinking a lot about how we’ve grown as a company, how I’ve changed as a founder and coach-player, and how our team has evolved into an…

Book Review: Everybody Writes by Ann Handley

23 April 2015

Love it or loathe it, you’re a writer, too. If you have a website, you’re a publisher. If you’re on social media, you’re a marketer. Thanks to the Internet, we all have the opportunity to engage our audiences with content, including our written words. That thought can be thrilling or chilling, depending on whether you…

Working With a Distributed Team

05 February 2015

Wordsmithie works internationally, which also means we’re much more widely scattered than many agencies our size. We have ’smithies not only all across the United States, but also in Europe (Madrid) and Asia (Singapore). We routinely collaborate on projects that have us talking and collaborating with people all across the globe—from Norway to New Zealand,…

Collaborating with Wordsmithie

11 September 2014

At Wordsmithie, we’re always looking for ways to work more efficiently with each other and our clients. One way we communicate smoothly with clients—from our introductory call, through scoping the project, assigning a copywriter and delivering the finished work—is through Google Apps. Wordsmithie doesn’t have a dedicated IT department, so we need a solution that’s…

Wordsmithie — Here, There and Everywhere

18 August 2014

As Laura wrote in her recent post, Wordsmithie is a rapidly growing organization. Although our home base is in San Jose, near several of our Silicon Valley clients, we’re a widely scattered bunch. Many of our ’smithies operate in the Bay Area, but several live and work on the East Coast. We have others in…

A New Site for an Evolving Agency

29 July 2014

When I started Wordsmithie in June, 2010, I wasn’t sure where we were headed—but I knew that the task of finding great content creators was bedeviling everyone I met in Silicon Valley. Even my marketing colleagues at Google (where I worked from 2005-2010) were struggling to find great writers and editors for everything from UX…

Working with Wordsmithie

07 July 2014

You might remember an old tagline from a burger chain: Have it your way. It’s the same way in our business. Every client is different, with unique needs, experiences and expectations. There is no single, approved way to handle a project. Each one is different—and although we have standard processes, we usually tweak them to…

Reach Out

We know you’ve got a lot to say — so fill out our form and tell us what’s on your mind. We’re listening!

Wordsmithie, Inc. US: +1 (650) 209-0936
EU: +1 (650) 488-7700

© 2025 – Wordsmithie, Inc.