In the many crazy, chaotic months leading up to this fine new year (yay 2017!), people have been motivated to speak out more than ever. Whether you’re planning to launch a new entrepreneurial endeavor, crank out creative like nobody’s business, or just storm the castle, it is mission critical that you do so in a…
This past year was surreal in more ways than we can count; yet, our business grew by leaps and bounds, as we collaborated with clients and partners on projects that we’ve enjoyed enormously. We feel honored to have shared this journey with them, and look forward to the road ahead. Members of our team also…
Many of us are moved to speak up and speak out, perhaps these days more than ever. You may have recently been moved to blog more than usual, or compelled to comment boldly on issues you care about deeply on Facebook or other social media sites. Whatever your reasons for presenting a more active voice…
Start work with an agency or copywriter, and you’ll soon be asked about your organization’s “voice and tone.” What language do you speak? By that, we mean the language we’ll use in creating your website, case study or blogpost. Every client should have a distinctive voice and tone, as identifiable in its own way as…
2016 has been a year of ups and downs. As always, the events of the world have influenced the world of design. With that in mind, here are five design trends we predict will make an impact in 2017. The return of illustration After being pushed to the side for many years, what with computers taking over…
Quality content is crucial for good conversion, so you need to be getting it right from the start. Every business owner needs to market their products and services, but not every business owner can be an award-winning writer. However, when writing content for marketing emails, you’ll be pleased to hear you don’t have to be…
As we all moving through Q4 at lightning speed, perhaps its best to pause and consider what the new year might bring for our work, clients, partnerships and industries. For e-learning, it’s an exciting time. And for those of us already engaged in or thinking about online training solutions for our teams, there’s plenty to get excited…
You’ve heard the expression “getting your ducks in a row.” It probably never had anything to do with colorful waterfowl. More likely, it sprang from sports or shipbuilding (you could look it up). Whatever its origins, getting your ducks in a row means being organized, and adequately prepared for a project or undertaking. Why you…
These days, you can find online classes for just about any topic imaginable. Photography. Food styling. Knitting. Programming. Gender roles in ancient societies. Small press publishing. Ukulele. You name it. Even if you can’t decide upon the coolest class to take (in all that free time you have), you might decide to move your work…
Typographical errors — a/k/a typos — are annoying little gremlins that like to sneak into what we thought was final, polished copy. Typos are everywhere. They’re fodder for comical memes (e.g., on a store sign that reads “Shoplifters will be prostituted” or a tattoo whose owner lives by the creed “Regert nothing”). They’re a newspaper…