
Print Production for the Amateur Designer

03 December 2015

Having a project professionally printed can be intimidating. There are many types of service providers from which to choose—from corner print shops to quick-print chains to large scale commercial printing operations—and its an industry full of unique terminology. There is often a lot at stake when printing, and simple errors can be costly. Knowledge of…

Why We’re Grateful This Year

29 November 2015

Not long ago we celebrated our fifth birthday. I waxed lyrical about our half-decade of existence in a blog post; if you missed it, I shared a lot about what we’ve learned as an agency in the past five years. I’m grateful for all those lessons. They’ve helped Wordsmithie transform in to what it is today, and will…

Why an Agency Is Better for Your Bottom Line

20 November 2015

We often get people coming to us asking whether they should retain an agency or stay in house with their projects. There are certainly benefits to keeping your resources in house; often we get questions about the value of the time and energy spent explaining business practices, projects, client relationships, and responsibilities to a new…

What are Your Business Coaching Goals?

12 November 2015

If you look at the Wordsmithie team part of our website, you will see that many Wordsmithies have outside interests besides writing and designing. Some of them are quite fascinating, and range from leading urban hikes through San Francisco to massage therapy to Emmy Award-winning TV work. I happen to be a business and life coach…

How Reliable Are Writing Tools? ‘Trust, but Verify.’

05 November 2015

You might remember President Ronald Reagan’s maxim, “Trust, but verify.” It comes from a Russian proverb, “Doveryai, no proveryai,” which is why he quoted it to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev during the signing of a nuclear treaty in 1987. “You repeat that every meeting,” Gorbachev said, winning laugher. “I like it,” Reagan replied, drawing even…

How to Write a Tighter First Draft

29 October 2015

Writing for a living may sound romantic to those who’ve chosen a different career path. Non-writers think we spend our days drinking coffee (true), banging out quirky prose (maybe), contemplating brilliant ideas (…), all while working in bunny slippers and waiting for magic writing fairies to flitter down and kiss the page (we wish!). But…

Maximize Your Down Time This Holiday Season

22 October 2015

It’s the same story each year: summer lingers, and then, bam!, those sultry, sunny days suddenly turn to fall. Most of us embrace the seasonal shift, moving full speed ahead, taking care of business, (over)scheduling our lives…then, we reach the holidays – the official span of the calendar that mysteriously fills up by early October with commitments galore.…

Messaging 101: Its All About Me

15 October 2015

Working a great deal of the time with startups and tech giants alike as we do at Wordsmithie, it’s exciting to be in on the ground floor of new ideas. Creating buzz around a new product or service and crafting the words and phrases that will connect it to people is one of the most…

The Best of the Wordsmithie Blog: 2015

08 October 2015

We’ve been around the block a few times, as our fearless leader and founder declared a few weeks ago in a post celebrating Wordsmithie’s fifth anniversary. With so much experience behind our distributed team, we know what we’re talking (or writing) about, which is why we want you to have as many chances to read…

How Much Info Should I Give My Agency? No Such Thing as TMI.

01 October 2015

Say that you’re launching a new product and need your agency to create sales and marketing materials. Or say that you’ve signed with a new agency and need to bring them up to speed on your company. How much information do you provide? At Wordsmithie, we generally say, “Send us whatever you have.” There’s no…

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EU: +1 (650) 488-7700

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