
Wordsmithie Team Spotlight: Jason Rogers

Wordsmithie Side Hustlers: Jason Rogers

21 November 2021

We know Jason Rogers as a thoughtful tech storyteller, but the sports world knows him as an NHL reporter, columnist, and television host.

Wordsmithie Team Spotlight: Marlene Tam

Wordsmithie Side Hustlers: Marlene Tam

12 November 2021

Whether designing a strategic marketing campaign for clients or giving back to her community, Marlene Tam always brings her A game.

Wordsmithie Team Spotlight: Bianca Connolly

Wordsmithie Side Hustlers: Bianca Connolly

03 November 2021

Aside from writing, Bianca Connolly is building a business to practice “life architecture”. Don’t know what that is? Let her teach you!

Wordsmithie Spotlight Series | Khaleelah Jones

Wordsmithie Side Hustlers: Khaleelah Jones

18 October 2021

Meet ‘Smithie Khaleelah Jones, an award-winning digital marketer with a passion for small businesses and solopreneurs.

Wordsmithie Spotlight Series | David Bergheim

Wordsmithie Side Hustlers: David Bergheim

06 October 2021

David Bergheim joined Wordsmithie at the same time when he created Russell Greenbeaux. Who is David, and who is Russel?! Read on to find out!

Wordsmithie Spotlight Series | Michael Gaylord

Wordsmithie Side Hustlers: Michael Gaylord

29 September 2021

When he’s not orchestrating words, Michael Gaylord is orchestrating notes for performances and productions. Here’s his story.

Wordsmithie Team Spotlight | Laura Bergheim

Wordsmithie Side Hustlers: Laura Bergheim

28 September 2021

A Writer’s Tale: For Love of Fact and Fiction. Read on to learn more about the life of Wordsmithie’s founder, Laura Bergheim.

Spotlight in a studio | Wordsmithie Series

Introducing the Wordsmithie Team Spotlight Series: About the Wordsmithie Team

21 September 2021

In the past decade, the prevalence of freelance and so-called “gig” work has increased steeply. From 2014 to 2020, the number of independent contractors in the U.S. alone has risen 11 percent, and this doesn’t take into account the number of people who have started freelancing since the pandemic. With around 90 percent of businesses…

How to Maximize Customer Engagement with Instagram Stories

24 August 2021

Over 4 million brands use Instagram stories monthly and 50% of customers report that an Instagram story led them to purchase a product or service from a brand’s website, according to survey data collected by Facebook in 2020. That means there’s a huge opportunity gap when it comes to short-form, attention-grabbing visual content paired with…

Cluttered table of a graphic designer with a pen, a sharpener, a laptop with a drawing on the screen, a sketch, color swatches, and a pencil case saying toolkit

Ch-Ch-Changes. Or, the graphic designer, mid-career

28 June 2021

In my previous blog post, I talked about the graphic design evolution brought upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic. But it also got me thinking about the more gradual changes I’ve witnessed in my twenty years as a graphic designer, and how very different things are now compared to when I began. As with a…

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