
writing for global audiences can be tricky but is key to getting your message across wherever it is found globally.

6 Tips on How to Write for a Global Audience

07 July 2020

The internet has made it possible for U.S. companies and organizations to expand their reach into international markets. Whether you’re a small business marketing products in other countries, a nonprofit bringing your mission to other regions in need, or a global enterprise with offices around the world—writing for international audiences poses unique challenges. For starters,…

writing case studies always requires asking the right questions, in the best and clearest way possible.

Key Questions to Ask in a Case Study Interview

30 June 2020

Case studies are a great way to show how your business helps customers solve problems in the real world. A well-written case study uses lively quotes, interesting examples, and juicy anecdotes to engage prospects and differentiate your business from the competition. Most clients should be happy to talk about their experiences and toot both your…

how to make legal documents readable

5 Tips for Writing Readable Legal Content

03 March 2020

One of the paradoxes of legal documents is that they’re rarely written to be understood by the people they impact most. Instead they’re mostly written by lawyers for lawyers. This approach may be great for reducing liability, but it’s not so good at telling non-lawyers what they’re getting into (and, no, that shouldn’t be the…

writing for the tech and startup industries requires clarity and less jargon.

Updated: Marketing Copywriting for the Tech and Startup Industries in 2020

17 January 2020

Several years ago, I wrote about writing for the tech and startup industries and got a lot of heat for it. Mostly, people had qualms with my combining the two discrete industries. I would imagine that now, several years later, I’d get similar feedback particularly since the tech bubble appears to have burst and food,…

9 Tips to Write Content with Authority | eLearning & General

27 August 2019

Whether you’re crafting new content so your audiences will bite (and hang on), creating eLearning training programs for your internal teams, or adding more energy to your client’s existing projects and online communities, you’ll want to boost your credibility with every word you choose. Keeping the conversation going is mission critical as you build team…

Much like baking, copywriting mixes a little art and a little science to yield the best content.

5 Ingredients for Copywriting Success: Tips and Tricks of the Trade

14 August 2019

Much like baking, copywriting mixes a little art and a little science to yield the best content. And, like baking, using the right ingredients is fundamental to your success. Generating a compelling message starts with the words you choose: they should effectively persuade, connect, or inform. To successfully create content that reaches your target audience…

copywriting for digital

Copywriting for Print vs. Digital

04 July 2019

Copywriting is copywriting, any way you slice it. Right? For professional writers weighing the differences between writing for print and writing for digital, this distinction is important. And understanding it can mean the difference between a portfolio of satisfied clients, and a string of embarrassing rewrites. So, what are these key differences to remember, and…

6 Grammar Hacks for Social Media

07 June 2019

How important is getting grammar right in social media? Very. That said, I’ve just broken a grammar rule myself with a sentence fragment. Why? There, I did it again. For emphasis. Social media is all about voice. Your voice. That’s why people tune into your blog, subscribe to your Instagram feed, follow your YouTube channel.…

How to Avoid Unintelligible, Jargon-Laced Press Releases

12 February 2019

Here’s a good example of what not to do when writing a press release: (Don’t worry, we’ve made this up, but there are plenty of real life examples of this out there!) Where to begin? It’s got every buzzword about the latest technology craze—which happens to be something called “big data.” But what does it…

case study

How to Ask Case Study Interview Questions

05 December 2018

“Sure, sure. But why should I believe you?” This is the perfectly fair question that marketing and advertising professionals dread from customers. Because it’s a very good one! Why should customers believe someone who they know is trying to sell them something? That is exactly why case studies are so powerful, and why knowing how…

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