Flog That Blog | 5 Tips For Starting Your Own Blog

So, you’re launching a new blog for your company or business. Excellent. It’s a great way to drum up interest in your products or services. If you’re new to blogging, here are five tips to get you going.

1. Have something to say.
This seems obvious … until you read yet another blogpost by somebody who is clearly just blathering on, with no other point than to have something to post. Less is more. If you don’t have something solid to say, don’t.

2. Post regularly.
Don’t post just every now and then, whenever you feel the spirit. How often have you gone to a blog, and noticed that the last post was in 2012? If you’re going to write a blog, be dedicated! Stick to a schedule. Once or twice a week is good. You probably don’t want to post less often. But also remember suggestion #1. When you post, have something to say.

3. Keep it brief.
You’re blogging, not writing a novel. Attention spans are short on the Internet. So make your point quickly and succinctly. Three to four hundred words is a good length. If you need to go longer, write a series of posts, and end each with a teaser for the next.

4. Add links.
When you mention a product like Google Earth or an event like SXSW, embed a link in your copy. Do the same for companies, articles, videos, etc. Links not only serve your readers, they also raise your blog’s visibility.

5. Use images.
Consider adding photos or graphics to illustrate your post, even if it’s only a headshot with your bio, as we do here. But use them only if they’re of good quality and enhance your message. Nobody wants to see poorly lit, badly composed snapshots of your office’s summer outing.

Now, go forth and blog.

Laura Bergheim

The founder and CEO of Wordsmithie, Laura has more than two decades of experience as a journalist, author, content creator, agency owner and creative strategist. She founded Wordsmithie in 2010 after leaving Google, where she was a senior content strategist and senior editor for monetized products such as AdWords.

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