
The VR Revolution: Where Do We Fit In?

18 September 2016

At Wordsmithie, we’re thinking a lot about the power that virtual reality has to usher in creative, social, and commercial change. As the VR community of creators, producers, and engineers pushes ahead at lightning speed, we are excited about VR’s potential for our clients, our industry, and ourselves. Immersive experiences I’ve always believed in the…

Why SEO and Content Marketing Go Hand in Hand

30 June 2016

So you pumped a good portion of your marketing dollars into search engine optimization (SEO) for your website. Your SEO tactics employed proven tech wizardry designed to help your website rank higher in organic search results. Good page titles? Check. Meta tag descriptions? Check. Keyword-rich content? Check. And GADZOOKS! For a week or two, your…

6 Reasons Why Every Company Should Be in the Publishing Business

01 June 2016

A few years ago many believed that publishing was dead. Major newspapers and magazines saw their circulation numbers drop. And it is true that many of them have needed to reinvent themselves to adapt to a digital world and new models to distribute and monetise their content. But today publishing is flourishing. Barriers to entry…

Guest blog: Transcreation and Overseas Content Marketing

18 March 2016

You’ve worked hard to find the perfect voice for reaching your American clients with beautifully crafted content. But what about your overseas prospects? English may be widely spoken in international business, but your English-language content will always fall short. Nelson Mandela, a native Xhosa speaker who rose to the presidency of post-apartheid South Africa, explained,…

Messaging 101: Its All About Me

15 October 2015

Working a great deal of the time with startups and tech giants alike as we do at Wordsmithie, it’s exciting to be in on the ground floor of new ideas. Creating buzz around a new product or service and crafting the words and phrases that will connect it to people is one of the most…

How Much Info Should I Give My Agency? No Such Thing as TMI.

01 October 2015

Say that you’re launching a new product and need your agency to create sales and marketing materials. Or say that you’ve signed with a new agency and need to bring them up to speed on your company. How much information do you provide? At Wordsmithie, we generally say, “Send us whatever you have.” There’s no…

Content Creation v. Brand Storytelling

06 August 2015

Last week we shared ways brands can create compelling stories that engage and inspire customers. Now, we take a step back to understand why a brand might want to create a story. Why is storytelling so important? Since the beginning of time, storytelling has been an important part of the way humans interact and evolve. And that’s…

Find Your Brand Story to Stand out from the Crowd

31 July 2015

The golden age of the multi-billion dollar businesses may well be behind us. Startups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are armed with more resources and investment opportunities than ever before. The freelancers and agencies who work for them are also learning that they can have a place at the business table without being crowded out…

Translating Your Brand Messaging

25 June 2015

It’s really endearing to hear the English-language foibles made by my Spanish husband, the charm of which sometimes keeps me from correcting him. “Meryl Eh-streep went to jail,” he said to our friends one evening at a dinner party. “What? She went to jail??” We native English speakers dropped our forks in disbelief . (He…

How to Bring Customers Into Your Brand Storytelling

04 June 2015

Customers are an integral part of your brand story. In fact, they’re the star attraction. Wordsmithie helps businesses tell their brand stories through their customers’ voices and experiences. These can take the form of short testimonials, longer case studies or feature articles. Customers who’ve benefited from your products or services are often happy to share…