strategy and resources

How to Find Inspiration in Whatever Work You Do

16 September 2015

We are often attracted to bright, shiny things – people and ideas and projects that sparkle and pop. You know how much more invested you are in work – your own or work you do for others – when a project is one you can really get behind. Sure, we all might have to engage…

Content Marketing Analytics 101

01 September 2015

Once upon a time, in what seems like the Internet Stone Age, content marketing was just taking off. It was “rumored” that, by writing excellent content, one could reach audiences far and wide, but very little was done to analyze the success (or otherwise) of that content. Back then, setting up a blog was a…

Creating a Strong “Word of Mouth” Campaign Online

19 August 2015

So many articles begin with the same type of sentence: “Internet marketers and small business owners have billions of consumers at their fingertips.” The truth is, there might be an innumerable audience at the other end of your computer screen, but every savvy business owner and marketer is just as aware of that fact as…

Should Writers Be Industry Experts?

13 August 2015

Wordsmithie writers work with clients in a range of industries, including technology, education, finance, healthcare, retail and entertainment, as well as nonprofit organizations. But does a writer need to have experience within the industry to write the content? Should writers be industry experts? The short answer is, it depends. There’s an ongoing debate about whether writers…

Content Creation v. Brand Storytelling

06 August 2015

Last week we shared ways brands can create compelling stories that engage and inspire customers. Now, we take a step back to understand why a brand might want to create a story. Why is storytelling so important? Since the beginning of time, storytelling has been an important part of the way humans interact and evolve. And that’s…

Tips on Becoming a Thought Leader

23 July 2015

In his popular book, The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell presents an interesting view of how people operate. The Connector is one of three personality types – the one I relate to most closely (you, might, too). Connectors are super social creatures, those of us who love to match people with people, interests, resources. We are…

Good Content Means More than SEO

16 July 2015

Content marketing comes in for a good dealing of bashing, often deservedly. The Content Marketing Institute defines the concept as a “strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” But in practice, as J. R.…

How to Start (and Finish!) a Content Audit

10 July 2015

Content audit. Those two words can strike fear into the hearts of marketers and copywriters everywhere. And yet in today’s content marketing-centric world, content audits are more important than ever. The more content you put out there as various bits of information dispersed across multiple mediums — from landing pages, blogposts and downloadable content to…

Hitting the Target with Your Email Marketing

18 June 2015

Once your email hits a subscriber’s inbox, you have to let your content do all the talking. If you’ve done your job, that should be a cinch, right? Think again. HTML clipping Email clients such as Google’s Gmail have started clipping HTML emails larger than 102 KB. Instead of seeing the entire text of your…

How to Bring Customers Into Your Brand Storytelling

04 June 2015

Customers are an integral part of your brand story. In fact, they’re the star attraction. Wordsmithie helps businesses tell their brand stories through their customers’ voices and experiences. These can take the form of short testimonials, longer case studies or feature articles. Customers who’ve benefited from your products or services are often happy to share…