Why a Blogging Break Might Be the Best Thing for Your Business

Do you ever feel sometimes that you’re a slave to your blog?
If you’re also a content creator, please know you’re not alone.
Whether you’re a writer, a photographer, an artist or a creative, sometimes you need to step away from the work instead of forcing yourself to keep moving.
This may be an unpopular opinion for the entrepreneurs who glorify all-nighters and wear their exhaustion like a badge of honor.
But I’m a firm believer in making time for sleep, regular meals, a healthy social life and disconnecting from work on the weekends if you can help it.
Shocking, I know!
Which is why I decided to take a break from writing on my blog for a few months in 2016.
Here are the 3 lessons I learned from taking a break from blogging, which you can apply to building your business.
Reconnect with the why behind what you do. I’ve been cranking out content in English and Spanish every week since I started. And it got…exhausting! When a boom in client work came in after I was published min El Pais (the largest Spanish news outlet in circulation worldwide), I knew I didn’t want to reach breaking point. So I decided to take a step back from my business and focus my energies on where I could give the most value. Because here’s the thing: I didn’t start a business just to make money. I started it to serve others with my talents meaningfully, in a way that allows me to make an impact. I started it to create more freedom in where I work, what my schedule looks like, and how I spend my time and with whom. I’ve already experienced burnout working for others. Why would I want to push myself to burn out on something I actually love-…and have a hand in creating? So ask yourself…why did you start this business in the first place? Use that question to filter out what’s working and what isn’t. Use that question to start getting rid of the things and people that no longer bring you joy. Which will then lead you to…
Determine your priorities. Does this kind of “slow” and “organic” approach mean I’m going to be an overnight billionaire? No. And guess what? That’s OK. Contrary to what you read about online marketing and entrepreneurship, you don’t need tens of thousands of subscribers on your list. You don’t need to be pumping out blog content monthly. You don’t need to be on every new social media platform just because someone tells you “that’s where the money’s at.” I call B.S. I know my bustle has a purpose. I have a clear vision of what I’m building. And that taking time to figure out how to move forward will always serve me and the people I help in the best way possible. At the end of the day, you have to remember that you are just one person. Even superheroes need their rest. So focus on what actually brings you joy. Determine whether or not that aligns with your talents, your mission and your purpose. Then either outsource or walk away from the rest.
Create blank space. I believe that creativity in business and in life can only flow when you take care of your mind, body and soul. That the best decisions are made in the blank space. When you’re well-rested, well-fed and attuned to what makes your soul light up. So my challenge to you if you’re feeling stuck in your business is this: create blank space. You don’t have to take a year-long sabbatical. But you can disconnect in little ways. Carve out anywhere from 10-30 minutes for yourself every day. Meditate. Dance. Take walks through the park with your dog. Grab coffee with a friend. Read a good book. Indulge in that glass of wine. Close your laptop for the weekend, go on a drive somewhere and blast your favorite song.
And here’s the hardest but most important part: don’t feel guilty about taking that break!
Recharge, refresh and watch how you tackle your next goal with renewed purpose.
Have you ever taken a break from blogging? Or anything else in your business that wasn’t working for you? What did you learn?
This is a repost from Kay Fabella’s blog, where she writes all about entrepreneurship, storytelling, marketing and business.
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