16 Creative New Year’s Resolutions for 2016

It’s that time of year again — where we reflect on what we accomplished in the past 12 months, while looking ahead to what we can do better in a brand, spankin’ New Year. Here at Wordsmithie, we are always striving to improve our editorial and design services and exceed our clients’ expectations. So with optimism in our hearts and eggnog in our veins, we give you 16 creative (in every sense of the word) resolutions from the Wordsmithie team.
Ryan Bahrke, Designer: “Spend less time in front of the computer and more time in front of the things that inspire me.”
David Bergheim, Chief Strategy Officer: “Dream what I can do and do what I can dream.”
Laura Bergheim, Founder and CEO: “Maintain focus on the middle distance—whatever we do in 2016 pours the foundation for the next five years.”
Jennie Cohen, Writer: “Be bold. Take risks. Make each project feel new and fun by finding its unique challenges and learning opportunities.”
Eve Connell, Senior E-Learning Specialist: “Communicate with other creatives to share best practices, reach beyond the limits I’ve unknowingly committed to, and discover fresh inspiration in unexpected lands.”
Michael Gaylord, Chief Creative Officer: “Create more shiny objects that delight, illuminate, and inspire the partaker.”
Fritz Holznagel, Senior Editor: “’Think less, peel more,’ as the gorillas say during their banana breaks. Try to write first drafts with less agonizing and more joyful abandon.”
Khaleelah Jones, Digital Marketing Specialist: “Read more. Reading always makes me a better writer.”
Brian Kaefer, (our newest) Studio Director: “Besides learning all your names, I want to focus on listening to the needs of our clients.”
Lisbeth Kaiser, Writer: “Make some time every week to write a bit for myself. It can be hard to remember how I write when no one’s asking.”
Alex Kenin, Google Studio Director & Senior Editor: “Publish my first book! Last year, I wrote a book on hiking in San Francisco and it’s scheduled to come out in fall 2016.”
Heidi LaFleche, Senior Editor: “Talk less, listen more—especially during interviews.”
Jim Leeke, Editorial Director: “Read more Churchill, to understand the cadence of his language.”
Dan Ross, Chief Operating Officer: “As a coach, I always tell people to move beyond resolutions and set goals with achievement plans instead. That said, my resolution/goal is to get better at presenting to groups.”
Jaime Santillan, Designer: “Travel more. It’s hard to understand people when you don’t know where they’re coming from. Except Canada. I do not want to understand Justin Bieber.” (Editor’s note: That’s OK Jamie, we’ll Belieb for you.)
Marlene Tam, Design Director: “More mindfully observe and explore.”
Does your organization have any creative resolutions we can help you make a reality in the coming year? Please contact us today and let’s get the conversation started. From all of us at Wordsmithie to all of you, here’s to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016!
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