Your Guide to Fresh Ideas: How to Ideate and Craft Compelling Content

What are some fresh and unique content ideas for a video, a white paper, or a blog post? And how can you and your team, amid your busy working life, come up with them?
We’ve talked before about some of the tips and tricks of the writing trade, and how to cut through the noise and launch for success. But let’s talk today about where it all starts: idea generation. What’s the secret to compelling content that will not just promote your business but really work for your audience?
It takes work, and it takes time, but luckily good content ideation is a thing that anyone can learn how to do. And there are really just two parts to it: first you drill down, then you build up.
(1) Drill down to bedrock.
The big mistake that most people make in content planning and idea generation is: they don’t know why they’re making this piece of content. Somebody said “We should make a video” or “We need a blog post,” but nobody knows (or cares about) its exact purpose or what needs to be said. Which is why so much content ends up flabby, dreary, or just plain boring to the intended audience.
Good news: If you’re in charge, you can fix this. You can drill down to bedrock with your team — that is, insist that everyone is 100% agreed on the big Ws. Who exactly is this intended to reach? (Be specific: “Everybody” is not a good answer.) What do you want them to know about your product? (Again, not “everything.”) And why should this specific audience care about this specific part of what you have to offer?
That’s drilling down. You ask questions. You don’t let anyone (yourself included) off the hook. In this part of the content ideation phase, you can’t stop until you hit bedrock. You’ll feel it when you get there; you can almost hear an audible “thump” when you know you’ve gotten to that rock-solid platform of your goals and your audience.
(2) Build up from there.
Now that you’ve got your bedrock foundation, how do you build up your tower of great content? How do you find the captivating narrative that will fit the needs of both you and your audience?
Here’s the secret: To delight your audience, look for what delights you. As you talk with your team about your goals and the product or offering you’re promoting, some aspect of the product is going to catch your attention, make you smile, or just make you think “I love this part of it.” Don’t ignore that feeling! Embrace it. That’s your story.
It might be a new feature, or an older one. It might be a very small part of the product. But whatever made it catch your eye is going to catch the eye of your customers, too. Too often people think “This isn’t that important” or “I’m the only one who feels this way,” but in truth what grabs our attention will grab the attention of others.
Now put your bedrock goals and audience together with this key idea, and watch your unique content ideas grow as the two work together. This is also a great way to make sure your content evolves with the times. It’s easy for any creative team to get trapped in promoting the same old things in the same old way, and this can help you break through to new territory.
Drill down, then build up: that’s the way to craft compelling content.
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