Why You Should Consider Rerunning Your Best Web Content

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. It’s something I quietly learned as a 15 year veteran of online content marketing but also as a longtime TV viewer. It is this: rerunning web content (articles, infographics, videos, etc) is one of the best but lesser-known ways for you to extend the interest, reach, and ultimate reception of your online content marketing. Better yet, it requires significantly less time (if any) to reproduce.
It works like this. Using your web analytics, personal favorites, or even detailed content audit, first identify the pieces of content that have best served you or that have previously resonated with audiences. That might be your most popular blog post, a reoccurring how-to video, or an often reached for infographic.
Once you have that list, review the individual items to see if any of the copy (or images) need to be updated. If you’re already in the habit of writing good evergreen content, this shouldn’t be an issue—certainly no more than a few words here and there. If not, you’ll probably need to spend a little extra time on updating. That’s okay, however, as you’re still probably be spending less time than developing something from scratch.
Once you have that step completed, login to your content management system (i.e. WordPress, YouTube, or your social media manager), then strategically space out or group your rerun campaign in a way that best suits the timing of your rerun. For example, if you have a really strong motivational new year’s piece from a few years back, consider rerunning it this January.
When it comes to my personal blog, I try to do this several times a year. In truth, I could probably do it a whole lot more often. In the five years I’ve been regularly rerunning both web content and newsletters, not once have I encountered an angry, annoyed, or even knowing reader that was upset by my sending something they may have already seen. Chances are, with house busy life gets, they probably didn’t see the rerun the first time you ran it. And even if they did, it’s your content or your right to decide what’s worthy of a second, third, fourth, or even fifth run.
Either way, I cannot stress how helpful this strategy can be when it comes to regularly publishing good content without spending days on the task. Not long ago, I was in a pinch with my publishing schedule and knew I needed to share something with my newsletter audience but I didn’t have a lot of time. I did a quick scan of my blog, and spotted a piece on how to stay focused in a 24/7 world.
I re-read it, quickly determined that it didn’t require any updating, copy and pasted it into my newsletter software, and hit send. Within minutes I had two subscribers thank me for the advice, one of which admitted he saw it the first time I published it but still enjoyed it anyways, calling it “one of his favorites.”
Old doesn’t necessarily mean no longer valuable to today. So use rerun content to your advantage. If it’s good enough for television, it’s good enough for you.
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