5 Ingredients for Copywriting Success: Tips and Tricks of the Trade

Much like baking, copywriting mixes a little art and a little science to yield the best content.

Much like baking, copywriting mixes a little art and a little science to yield the best content. And, like baking, using the right ingredients is fundamental to your success. Generating a compelling message starts with the words you choose: they should effectively persuade, connect, or inform. To successfully create content that reaches your target audience with the intended outcome, here are a few more ingredients to include when working on a copywriting recipe.

Stick to the point
Say what you need to in the most concise and clear manner possible. It can be tempting to elaborate on complex ideas, but keep in mind that less is more. According to copywritertoday.com, readers spend an average of 37 seconds on an article. Most audiences— especially those using social media platforms— want information that grabs their attention and is served in small bites.

Make sure your copy is visually appealing
Can your content be summarized with a quick 10– 15 second scan? If not, it might be visually cumbersome. For short- to medium- length content, the reader should be able to consume the information and digest it through various visual cues. The use of statistics (in a sea of words, numbers jump out), infographics, and subheadings will help your reader quickly navigate the content.

Generating a compelling message starts with the words you choose: they should effectively persuade, connect, or inform.

Build a connection
When creating long-form content, draw your audience in by sharing personal accounts and anecdotal stories . Research shows that these personal connections bring in more site traffic and lead to higher reader engagement. Readers will begin to look forward to the information you provide. If your content platform permits it, encourage users to share their own experiences and/or opinions. These exchanges create a sense of community, as well as loyalty for your organization and brand.

Keep your copy consistent with your brand
It takes a lot of time and energy to create and maintain a particular brand. You’ll want to ensure that your content is aligned with it. Be it a slogan, tone, or overall organizational philosophy, it should be reflected in your copy. Is your tone more casual? Make sure your blog posts and social media correspondence matches that. An organization’s brand is its identity, and that should be reflected throughout all aspects of written communication.

More keywords, less jargon
Copywriters need to be knowledgeable about the latest SEO and algorithm updates. In order to optimize your online exposure, your copy shouldn’t be overloaded with technical phrases and jargon. Focus on getting to the heart of what you need to communicate with clear, plain text.

Arris Shabaglian

For more than a decade Arris has worked as a freelance writer, editor and communications consultant. She has also taught university level courses on the art of communication, public relations and journalism. Arris is a Pinterest addict who loves a good night’s sleep and a nice cup of coffee. She resides in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and three kids (hence the need for a nice cup of coffee).

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