Writing a Press Release that Gets Attention — and Results

A news inscription on neon signboard, hanging on a street.

Great news! Your company has launched an innovative new product or service. Or expanded into a hot growth area. Or hired an amazing talent to rocket you to the next level. Or won an industry award! Or something else equally newsworthy in your market. 

Now, how do you get the word out and attract media attention? Before you send out to your networks, PR agency, journalists and post on your website and socials, you’ll want to make sure you’ve written a great press release.

A well-crafted press release can pique the interest of editors, writers, reporters, and influencers in your industry — inspiring them to reach out for more information and publish a story. Media coverage increases your credibility and reach. And one story can lead to another (or more!). Ready to get started? 

Below are a few best practices to get your company press releases noticed. But first….

Why Should I Write a Press Release?

Press releases are an important part of your marketing communications plan to expand your reach and make a name in your industry. But what exactly is a press release? 

  • A press release is a short synopsis of your company news. It may contain a quote from a company leader, partner, customer, or other key player. It should always contain a call to action, contact information, and link to get more information. 
  • A press release is not a long-winded, jargon-riddled rundown of everything that makes your announcement newsworthy (as my colleague Alice Laplante writes about here). Busy media people might not read your press release if they have to slog through too much dense copy.  

Think of it this way: A press release is not a full-course meal, but more of a tasty appetizer to get editors, writers, reporters, and bloggers interested in learning more and publishing something about your news. Read on for the anatomy of an attention-grabbing press release. 

Press Release Format 


Start with a short, catchy headline that tells readers what you are announcing. Use active verbs that make the reader want to read on and learn more. You can use a subhead in a smaller font underneath the main headline if you want to elaborate a bit more before you dive into the body copy. 


Include the date of the release and the city where you are based, e.g., “Boston, Mass., Nov. 1, 2022.” 

NOTE: Put “For Immediate Release” at the top if you want news coverage now. Otherwise, put “Embargoed Until [DATE]” at the top if you need editors to wait until a certain date to reveal your big news.  

Body Copy

Try to keep to one page (or thereabouts for digital and email press releases; 400 to 500 words is a good rule of thumb). 

  • Paragraph one should include the whos, whats, whens, wheres, and hows of your announcement. The goal is to get the reader interested enough to read on.
  • Middle paragraphs offer more detail, along with quotes from company leaders, partners, customers (testimonials!), or other spokespeople. Choose one or two engaging, insightful quotes that journalists might want to use in an article.  
  • Conclusion paragraph should wrap up why your news is noteworthy and include a call to action — namely, to contact you for more information (include your email address and phone number), as well as where readers can go to learn more (e.g., your company website, a landing page, or on your social media).  

So the next time your company does something awesome, don’t keep it to yourself. Put it in an enticing press release and share your good news with the world!

Heidi LaFleche

Heidi launched her writing career as a newspaper and magazine journalist—most notably as a Boston correspondent for People magazine. She transitioned into marketing communications for business, helping clients find the right words to engage their audiences. Heidi is a Senior Editor for Wordsmithie, and also runs her own freelance writing business on the side. She writes within a range of industries including technology, healthcare, financial services, legal services, education and nonprofits. Her slogan: “Every business has a story. Let’s tell yours together.”

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